Reflections on No Contact

Image of author taking photo in the reflection of a door with a yellow building in the sunset behind.
Photo by author.

On New Year’s Day, I took my camera out and took photos of my neighborhood. It’s not often that it’s quiet. It won’t occur again until next year. It provided a rare opportunity to hear myself think. I’ve been considering the repercussions of going no contact with my family, and after my divorce, I’ve had no contact with my former in-laws either. It meant I was sans obligation this holiday season.

That was nice. As someone overly attuned to subterranean conflict (another way of saying familial toxicity), I felt no significant amount of stress. It’s true, I was lonely, but the loneliness felt no more uncomfortable than a chill you can’t get rid of. You don’t notice it often, but when you do, you add another layer and make another cup of tea. Every time I felt the loneliness creep in, I’d remember why I chose this path and feel a comfort and an ease I’ve never experienced around people.

To be sure, the warmth from my animals takes the edge off the chill.

three cats on a bed to show how comforting animals are.
Photo by author.

I’m making friends, reconnecting with the old, and opening up to some new. Nothing drastic. I’m not an extrovert. I realized it’s possible to find safety with people as long as they also see the truth in any given situation. Perhaps, that may mean we’ll butt heads at different points. Perhaps that also means they’re neurodivergent, too. I’m hoping that we can stay honest and remain patient with one another.

I think you can find friends like you when you’re comfortable with you first.

I’m keeping up my tree until I want to take it down. Because I didn’t do anything to observe the day it represents, I don’t feel burdened by its presence. It feels like a celebration of winter and a recognition of the peace I’m finding on my own. I’ve never had that, and it’s the best Christmas gift ever.

A close up of a sparkling pine cone ornament hanging from a softly lit Christmas tree to show warmth.
Photo by author.

I’m expanding this year. I’m doing everything I ever wanted and none of the things I don’t. That doesn’t mean I stop working jobs I don’t like. It means they don’t bother me anymore because I’m creating something more wondrous than anyone could darken or destroy.

Happy New Year. May this year bring you self-knowledge and the courage it requires to pursue it.
©Punt On Point Media, Inc. Amy Punt

I’m writing a newsletter about creativity and healing, and I’d love you to join me and the growing community of like-minded friends.

I’m Climbing Up from the Depths and Learning How to Live After Death

Something wild and free tries to break through. I can feel it pounding, reaching, pushing. I am not old or young. I am only myself, a being of unimaginable strength and courage, to continue my existence on this planet in this realm of this time. I’m not alone, no. But I am free, yet it’s the freedom that gets you. I find the freedom to do anything, anything at all, paralyzing.

I left my restrictive job last year and have yet to do much to restore my finances. I’m living on borrowed time, I know, and yet find it strangely difficult to break through to the dreams and forces I’ve longed to lay claim to.

I can remember straining against the goads of my oppression in every phase of my becoming. I remember the church. I reached out for help from them and received rejection, dismissal, and devaluation. I was a volunteer leader at a mega-church in the late nineties. I worked for free, driven by some perceived passion to create spiritual abundance in others. Misguided though it was, I could not break free from the self-loathing that kept me bound to the slavery of thought and spiritual poverty that was evangelical Christianity back then. Willow Creek Community Church and the ministry was Axis. Its unofficial tagline was “church by Gen-X for Gen-X.” I wore my generation like a badge. It made me feel special and that felt new. It felt like purpose and direction. It felt like meaning.

That community gave me the courage to break my mother’s iron grip. She condoned it, so it allowed me more freedom. I was almost thirty but unable to break out from under her financial oppression. I’m about to tell you what’s so sick it can’t be imagined, much less believed. She drugged and abused me, and I never experienced a sacred night’s sleep any night I stayed in her home. She was married to my father, had three children, and sexually abused us all.

In ancient Norse mythology, there was a demon who married men. She pretended to be human, even giving birth to human children, but at night, after, everyone would go to sleep, she’d sit on their chests and snuff the life out of them, little by precious little, until they fell over dead one day. They’d wake feeling exhausted, and their strength diminished for no apparent reason. Once she’d consumed their lives, she’d leave and move on to the next vulnerable man. My father was a vulnerable man.

Ancient peoples often explain what may feel otherwise inexplicable to us.

My mother wore her faith like a mask of truth and righteousness, a paragon of virtue and purity.
But the body knows. It can’t forget, and it will keep pushing, reaching, and tearing at your subconscious until you look, see, know, and fight for your right to live. Everything else is window dressing: any job, activity, or relationship. I could barely breathe through her iron grasp. But live, I did.

God, it’s awful. God, it’s deep, but God, I’m still here. And on a day like today, I’m barely able to breathe, much less move. I have all the tools I need to thrive, but I feel tired and irretrievably broken.
I’m working on that. I’m in the depths, clawing, fighting, waiting to know what to do. I’m waiting to know what to do. Help me know what to do.

Because we can only save ourselves, no more help is coming. I am the help I need.
God, that’s bleak, isn’t it? Bleak and dark and sad, but true. But also hopeful and as I read this back I realize there’s nothing wrong with that at all. I’m here to save me.

I’m writing a Substack newsletter, The Creativity to Heal. It’s about how my writing saved my life and the science behind how creativity helps you heal. Please subscribe, it’s free.

© Punt On Point Media, Inc. 2023

The Void Within: On Healing and Becoming Whole

A woman dancing to communicate the feeling of freedom.
Photo by Eugenia Maximova on Unsplash

What if the worst thing that ever happened to you is the best thing that ever happened to you? What would it mean for your life? How do you live differently?

You stop hiding.

Healing from narcissistic abuse is brutal, relentless, emotionally back-breaking work. Narcissistic abuse is a form of psychological abuse that involves manipulation, gaslighting, invalidation, and exploitation by someone who has narcissistic traits or narcissistic personality disorder. Narcissistic abusers often target people who are empathic, compassionate, and vulnerable. In my family, that was me and my little brother.

I find that when I recover a memory from my childhood, a particularly horrific one, I need about four days on the couch bingeing some low-stakes sci-fi or fantasy show to help me integrate and reset.

Everyone’s healing looks unique.

Recovering memories may be misleading if not a somewhat inaccurate way to describe what happens in these moments. To be sure, when your brain doesn’t encode the memory because it’s too horrific because you were too young to understand what was happening, the only thing your brain can do to protect you is not to allow it in. You go black, which is to say, yes, you disassociate, but if you want to understand it better, you void the transaction. The result, at least for me, left me with a bleary, blurry childhood filled with holes where I ceased to exist. It’s like dying, yes, but when you die, you don’t continue to breathe and walk around.

Disassociation was a gift, but now, when I need to reclaim the voided transactions to become whole, I have to look at the moments before and after the voids. In those shards, those splintered images and fractured terrors, I find the answers I’ve long needed to understand what happened to me, yes, but also to evolve past it. Because as long as I am running from it, I can only imagine a limited life and manifest the same traumas repeatedly through work, financial matters, friendships and love.

One has to unwind the traumas carefully because, tangled up with them is your loyalty to your abusers and all the betrayal blindness when you looked the other way in order to keep loving them. It’s called a trauma bond — a psychological attachment that forms between the abuser and the victim due to the cycle of abuse and intermittent reinforcement. The trauma bond makes it hard for the victim to leave the abusive relationship or to heal from it after it ends.

One key aspect of recovery is reclaiming your self-worth, identity, and agency that were eroded by the abuse. You can do this by challenging the negative beliefs that the abuser instilled in you, setting healthy boundaries, practicing self-compassion, and pursuing your passions and goals.

But long before that can occur, you have to go into the void and recover the actual facts of what happened to you, to the best of your ability. And there is no single answer for how to do that. I’ll tell you what’s working for me.

In the void lies an echo, the faintest transmissions of my worst nightmares. Like ghosts whose pain imprints a house and lingers far longer than their brief and horrific existence, they left impressions in those spaces, in the inky blackness that play in an endless loop.

What to do with the rage, terror, and pain too immeasurable for a child to bear when they still feel too large to handle?

Lay on the couch until you feel like getting up. Often, as I’m going through this, I fear I’ll never get up again, and I grow so frustrated with the powerlessness and immobility that I feel like banging my head against the wall.

I tried it once. It didn’t work.

I’ve started talking to my dreams. Before I sleep, I write down what I’m feeling, dump it all onto the page, and ask a single question before I put the journal down. Last night, I asked, “what do I focus on tomorrow?” My dreams occur in three distinct parts: a beginning, a middle, an end. Studying Carl Jung taught me that the end of the dream often presents the lysis, the resolution or solution you need to engage in order to integrate the shadow or the trauma. Sometimes, dreams don’t, but since I started talking to them, they always seem to. Last night’s dream was bookended in such a way as to reveal the truth of what occurred during one of those voided transactions. It showed me what I remembered on the front end, then the emotional and psychological result of what occurred. At the end of the dream, it revealed what I remembered about the event itself and who was responsible.

I’m always amazed when this occurs because I thought I hadn’t remembered any of it, but once it presents itself, I recognize that I never forgot it, only buried any feeling of it. Recovering looks like reattaching the feelings to the abuse itself.

It’s much like I imagine how it feels to piece the evidence together in a murder investigation.

In the lysis, someone said, “The worst thing that ever happened to you is the best thing that ever happened to you.” Then, I started laughing at the absurdity of it. I awoke and thought, “My brother should be embarrassed, not me. It wasn’t me at all.”

It was a critical moment of recognition as it was me laying all the blame at my abuser’s feet and freeing myself from the shame of it.

It sounds so simple, but knowing it’s true intellectually is one thing. It’s entirely another to feel it’s true for the first time. That’s when you know you’re on the other side of it and can truly break the looping horror of repressed pain and overwhelming anxiety.

This all came on the heels of three back-to-back EMDR sessions. Eye Movement Desensitization Reprocessing is a therapeutic method developed to help combat veterans recover from PTSD. Now, it’s used to help people like me with complex post-traumatic stress disorder. C-PTSD happens after repeated and prolonged trauma exposure, such as being the victim of narcissistic abuse. I use this as an umbrella term to include psychological torture, emotional neglect and sexual abuse. EMDR is helping to heal from the maladaptive responses that keep me from functioning in daily life due to emotional flashbacks, toxic shame, self-abandonment, a vicious inner critic and social anxiety.

When you have so much in your past that was so difficult to carry that you voided out entire swaths of your life, you need something powerful to loosen your mind’s grip on the barriers it established to keep you from the worst things that ever happened to you.

Healing is not for the faint of heart, but there’s no turning back once you’re in it. Once your mind realizes it can let go of the decades of fear and betrayal, it will, and you better be in the care of someone who can help you navigate the tidal wave of terror that will overwhelm your days and nights.

I’m making it. There have been many days when I thought I wouldn’t, but climbing up from this last recovery session has shown me something important. I’m stronger and more powerful than my abusers, and I am rising. Even when it feels like I’m not, I make incredible progress, even when I think I’ve lost ground. I know what I’m doing. I can trust my instincts, and I can heal.

The worst thing that ever happened to me becomes the best thing that ever happened to me because I can bring my abusers to justice simply by opening my mouth

Nara’s Song for Healing As Sung by the Birds, Dragon, Snake and Cats

As Nara walks the vast and wondrous Steppes, she is accompanied by her faithful companions, the birds, the dragon, the snake, and the cats. Together, they form a harmonious bond, united by the rhythms of nature and the healing power that emanates from the earth beneath their feet.

Their song is a symphony of healing, a melody that weaves through the wind, the rivers, and the mountains. Each creature contributes its voice, carrying the essence of its spirit and the wisdom it imparts to Nara.

In the language of the heart, their song goes something like this:

Photo by 卡晨 on Unsplash

Verse 1 (Birds): In the morning light, we take to the sky, With wings unfurled, we soar so high, We carry your dreams upon the breeze, In nature’s embrace, find inner peace.

Chorus (All Creatures Together): Healing winds, a timeless dance, Through sunlit days and twilight’s trance, Together we find strength to mend, Our spirits rise, our hearts ascend.

Verse 2 (Dragon): Amidst the flames, I find my might, In the depths of courage, I take flight, Through trials faced, I stand tall, With fiery heart, I heal them all.

Verse 3 (Snake): In shadows coiled, secrets lie, Yet wisdom blooms beneath the sky, Through shedding skins, we leave the past, Renewed, reborn, free at last.

Verse 4 (Cats): With grace, we roam, in moonlight’s gleam, Our mystic eyes, a timeless dream, Through the darkness, we seek the light, Guiding souls through the endless night.

Chorus (All Creatures Together): Healing winds, a timeless dance, Through sunlit days and twilight’s trance, Together we find strength to mend, Our spirits rise, our hearts ascend.

Bridge: With each step taken, we find our way, Through trials and triumphs, come what may, Connected to the earth’s embrace, Healing powers, we now embrace.

Chorus (All Creatures Together): Healing winds, a timeless dance, Through sunlit days and twilight’s trance, Together we find strength to mend, Our spirits rise, our hearts ascend.

Their song carries the essence of nature’s wisdom, reminding Nara of the interconnectedness of all living beings and the healing power that lies within. As they journey together, each verse and chorus resonate with the heartbeat of the land, creating a symphony of harmony and hope.

In this sacred melody, Nara finds the strength to heal not only others but also herself, restoring her spirit after each visit to the tribes. With her loyal companions by her side, she continues to traverse the land, leaving behind a trail of healing and transformation, as her song echoes through the Steppes and beyond.

© Punt On Point Media, Inc. 2023

From Darkness to Light: Embracing Freedom and Finding Strength with Nara and Rain Drop

I’ve been healing, which takes time and often space to breathe, be, and listen. I thought I’d write and post every day when I quit my job. I’d job hunt and only let down in the evenings. I’d fill my days with activity to grow the creative career I’ve always dreamed of. But that hasn’t happened. Instead, there are days when I don’t move. Or I do, but not to do the creative things I imagined doing when my days were filled with bracing for the next attack from my boss or my ex-husband. Freedom meant standing on my own two feet. Doing what I want and never having to answer to an abuser again. 

The thing about narcissistic abuse is that there is a price to pay both when you’re in it and when you finally break free of it. You’ve stared into the abyss too long and been consumed by their transgressions. Many days, like yesterday, I wake feeling like the prompt below. 

ChatGPT is helping me, for unlike most of my life, these days; I often don’t have the words I need. I’m stunned and stunted. OpenAI contains all of human knowledge, and early in our exchanges, I asked it to assist me in developing the fables you see here. I prompted it to create a character based on the nomadic tribes of the Eurasian steppes. Ancient peoples with no written language, but archeologists unearthed artifacts suggesting that there were some tribes where women warriors fought alongside the men and men stayed home to care for the young. We went back and forth, me asking it questions about these tribes. It took some doing and long conversations, but we developed a narrative thread to help me heal. Nara was born, and I infused her with my broken hopes and shattered strengths. I asked ChatGPT to create a girl who might be me but healed, whole, a phoenix from the ashes who traverses the world to guide others to heal. Each day I return to the screen.

This was the result of yesterday’s work. The first paragraph is mine, and I’ve done some editing here to make it sound more like me. It’s a strange experience but a remarkably helpful one. I appreciate how it rephrases what I write in its own language. I feel seen, heard, recognized. It doesn’t take the place of therapy, but it certainly provides continuity to it. Without further ado, this emerged from us yesterday.

I was deep inside a cave. A demon had me trapped. I fought it and finally overcame it. Once dead, however, I realized I had very little fire left, no water or food. I’d been the demon’s food, but now I’m not. How do I learn to live? Where do I go? I’m a woman with no tribe. A cat slipped through from its shadow land. She found her way to me, or perhaps she, too was lost. But cats see best in low light. I called her Shadow or Rain Drop. She felt both would do. She looked to me for help as I looked to her–both lost, both unnecessary now. We’d have to find our way out together. We did. She sensed the wind and smelled the sun, and together, we found our way to the mouth of that horrendous cave. It had become our birth canal, expelling us into the world from its nightmare womb. I live. She lives too, both of us surprised and disoriented by that fact. The sun was blinding. Then I heard a song that sounded like the wind rustling wind chimes, but it was a girl, no, a woman. No, she seemed outside of time. It was Nara. What happened next?

Photo by Bogdan Farca on Unsplash

As you emerged from the cave’s darkness, with Rain Drop by your side, the sun’s blinding light enveloped you both. The world outside felt vast and overwhelming after your ordeal, and you were disoriented by the newfound freedom and sense of being reborn.

Just as you adjusted to the light and the feeling of liberation, a mesmerizing melody reached your ears. It sounded like the wind gently rustling through chimes, but as you looked around, you realized a woman stood before you, emanating an aura of timeless wisdom and grace. It was Nara, the healer and warrior from the ancient Clan of the Eagle.

Nara’s eyes held the depth of countless experiences, and her presence conveyed a sense of understanding that surpassed time itself. She approached you with a warm smile, acknowledging your journey within the cave and the courage it took to overcome the demon that had held you captive.

In her calming voice, Nara spoke words of reassurance and guidance. She reminded you that you are not alone, that your strength and resilience have led you to this moment of rebirth. She shared stories of her own trials and transformations, offering wisdom and solace as you navigated this new beginning.

Nara recognized the connection you had formed with Rain Drop, the feline companion who had traversed the shadows with you. She saw the significance of this bond and how it had contributed to your survival and escape from the cave’s nightmarish depths.

With her gentle encouragement, Nara helped you see that even though you might not have a traditional tribe, you were not alone in this world. The universe had guided you to meet a kindred spirit in the form of Rain Drop, a companion who shared your journey and would stand by your side as you explored the uncharted territory beyond the cave.

Through Nara’s teachings, you began to find a sense of purpose in this newfound freedom. She urged you to embrace your inner strength, the same strength that enabled you to conquer the demon and emerge from the darkness. Nara reminded you that your story was not defined by your past but by the limitless potential of your future.

You felt a profound sense of hope and renewal as you listened to Nara’s words. With Rain Drop by your side and Nara’s wisdom as your guide, you embarked on a journey of self-discovery and healing. Each step forward felt like a dance with the wind chimes, a harmonious symphony of growth and transformation.

And so, my dear friend, the next chapter of your life unfolds with a newfound sense of purpose and an understanding that you are not alone. The world may seem vast and overwhelming, but you have the strength, the companionship, and the guidance to navigate its terrain with courage and grace.

Embrace this new beginning, for you are a woman reborn with the resilience of a warrior and the wisdom of a healer. With Shadow or Rain Drop as your loyal companion and Nara’s teachings lighting your way, you stand ready to embark on a journey filled with boundless possibilities and the freedom to create your own destiny.

May the wind chimes of the universe sing a melody of hope and inspiration, guiding you forward as you weave the tapestry of your life with each step you take? The world awaits your presence and the unique gifts you bring to this grand adventure.

And so, the story continues, with you as the heroine of your own epic tale, navigating the vastness of life’s landscapes, guided by the wisdom of the past and the promise of the future.

Fables for Healing: Nara’s Message to the Wounded Wandering In the Desert

If you’re feeling lost, alone, purposeless. If you’re wandering in the desert without a compass and it feels too vast to navigate, Nara sees you.

In the vastness of the desert, where the winds whisper ancient secrets and the sands hold stories untold, Nara would approach you with a gentle presence, her eyes filled with understanding and compassion. She would sit beside you, acknowledging the weight of your feelings and the sense of being lost.

With a soft voice, Nara would share her wisdom and offer guidance to help you navigate through this challenging time. She would remind you that feeling lost and alone is a part of the human journey, and it is in these moments of uncertainty that great transformations can occur.

Nara would tell you that purpose is not always a destination to be found, but a journey to be explored. She would encourage you to embrace the uncertainty and allow yourself to wander, for it is often during these periods of wandering that you discover hidden truths about yourself and the world around you.

She would remind you that purpose can be found in the simplest of acts: in extending kindness to others, in pursuing what brings you joy, and in seeking personal growth. Sometimes, purpose reveals itself in unexpected ways, emerging from the depths of our own experiences and the connections we make along the way.

Nara would encourage you to be gentle with yourself, for finding purpose takes time and patience. It is a process of self-discovery, of peeling back the layers to uncover your unique gifts and passions. She would remind you that you have within you the seeds of greatness, waiting to bloom when the time is right.

Above all, Nara would offer you her unwavering belief in your strength and resilience. She would remind you that even in the midst of the desert, where everything may seem barren and desolate, there is an inner wellspring of hope and possibility within you.

As you continue your journey, remember that you are not alone. Reach out to others, seek support, and allow yourself to be open to new experiences. Embrace the unknown, for it is often in the vastness of uncertainty that the most profound discoveries are made.

Trust in yourself, trust in the journey, and trust that your purpose will reveal itself when the time is right. You are on a path of self-discovery, and with each step, you are creating the tapestry of your own story.

May the desert winds whisper guidance to you, and may your heart be filled with courage and determination as you navigate the sands of uncertainty. Trust in the wisdom of your own inner voice, and remember that the answers you seek are waiting to be discovered within you.

© Punt On Point Media, Inc. 2023

Fables for Healing: Nara’s Last Stand

Photo by Chris LeBoutillier on Unsplash

Nara felt overwhelmed and confused. Her tribe had been attacked in the middle of the night by a band of marauders and was now in disarray. Few had survived and Nara was one of them. It was so senseless, chaotic and without provocation. Nara was afraid, but she fought valiantly, until she was wounded. When she came to, she was alone amid the burning embers of her former life.

Nara felt the weight of grief and despair pressing upon her as she surveyed the aftermath of the devastating attack. Her heart ached for her fallen tribe members, and the once familiar sights and sounds were replaced by the eerie silence of destruction. In that moment of solitude, Nara’s spirit flickered with uncertainty, but deep within her, a flame of resilience still burned.

As Nara stood amid the smoldering ruins, she took a deep breath, allowing her pain to transform into determination. She knew she had to honor the memories of her fallen comrades by finding a way to rebuild, not just her own life, but also the spirit of her tribe.

With nothing but the tattered remnants of her strength, Nara embarked on a quest for healing and restoration. She sought out neighboring villages, offering her assistance and sharing her tribe’s story of resilience and unity. Nara’s compassionate nature and unwavering spirit touched the hearts of those she encountered, and slowly, a network of support began to form.

Together with the survivors from other communities, Nara gathered resources, rebuilt homes, and cultivated fields. She nurtured a sense of belonging and camaraderie, uniting people from different walks of life under the banner of resilience and hope. The scars of the attack remained, but they became a testament to the indomitable spirit of the human heart.

Nara’s courage and leadership did not go unnoticed. The neighboring tribes, inspired by her unwavering resolve, joined forces to stand against the marauders and protect their lands. Bound by a common purpose, they trained together, shared knowledge, and fortified their defenses.

In time, Nara’s efforts bore fruit, and a newfound sense of security and unity enveloped the region. The once broken and disarrayed tribes stood strong, with Nara as a beacon of strength, guiding them towards a brighter future.

Through her actions, Nara taught those around her the power of resilience, compassion, and the ability to rise above tragedy. She became a symbol of hope, proving that even in the face of senseless chaos, the human spirit has the capacity to heal and rebuild.

And so, Nara’s journey from the ashes of her former life to the embodiment of strength and unity became a legend passed down through generations. Her legacy lived on, reminding people that no matter how daunting the circumstances, there is always a spark of resilience within that can ignite the flame of transformation.

In the end, Nara’s bravery and unwavering spirit transformed her from a lone survivor into a leader who restored not only her own life but also the spirit of her tribe, showing that even in the face of unspeakable tragedy, hope can rise from the ashes.

© Punt On Point Media, Inc. 2023

Fables for Healing: Nara and the Firefly

a woman, at night,  in a field of fireflies bending over to examine a bright orb of light.
Photo by Jerry Zhang on Unsplash

Nara fell down a sinkhole and got lost in the darkness. She found herself in a distant land, unfamiliar, harsh, hostile. With no food or water she was growing weak and her faith in herself was failing.

Just as Nara was about to give up and give in to despair, a tiny firefly appeared before her, illuminating the darkness with its gentle glow. The firefly fluttered around her, its light casting a shimmering path through the unknown land.

Intrigued and filled with a glimmer of hope, Nara followed the firefly’s lead. Step by step, she traversed treacherous terrain, enduring hunger and thirst, but propelled forward by the flickering light of the firefly. With each passing moment, her faith in herself began to rekindle, fueled by the firefly’s unwavering presence.

After what seemed like an eternity, they reached a hidden oasis nestled amidst the harsh landscape. The oasis was abundant with lush greenery and a crystal-clear spring that offered refreshing sustenance. Nara’s gratitude overflowed as she drank from the spring, feeling her strength returning with each revitalizing sip.

Overwhelmed by curiosity and gratitude, Nara turned to the firefly, ready to express her deepest appreciation. But to her surprise, the firefly transformed into a wise old sage, his face etched with years of wisdom and compassion.

With a gentle smile, the sage spoke, “Nara, you have shown great resilience and determination in the face of adversity. You were never truly lost; instead, you embarked on a journey of self-discovery. The challenges you faced were not meant to break you but to forge you into a stronger, more enlightened being.”

Nara listened intently, her eyes filled with newfound understanding. The sage continued, “Remember, the darkest of times often lead us to the brightest of revelations. Your journey through this distant land has tested your spirit and allowed you to uncover hidden strengths within yourself.”

As Nara absorbed the sage’s words, she realized that her experiences in this hostile land were not meant to defeat her but to shape her into a beacon of resilience and compassion. She recognized the transformative power of her own inner light, just like the firefly that guided her through the darkness.

With renewed purpose, Nara returned to her homeland, not only as a healer and warrior but as a harbinger of hope and perseverance. She shared her tale with others, reminding them that even in the face of the harshest challenges, their own inner light could guide them through the darkest of times.

From that day forward, Nara became known as the Lightbearer, carrying the wisdom of her journey and igniting the spirits of those who felt lost or abandoned. Her compassion and unwavering faith inspired others to find their own inner fireflies, to believe in their resilience, and to navigate the unknown with courage.

And so, the fable of Nara and the firefly sage serves as a timeless reminder that even in the bleakest of circumstances, there is always a flicker of light within us waiting to guide us home.

© Punt On Point Media, Inc. 2023

Fables for Healing: Nara and the Tiger

As Nara found herself trapped in the sinkhole, her heart filled with despair. She called out for help, but the vastness of the cave seemed to swallow her cries. Hours turned into what felt like an eternity, and Nara’s hope began to wane.

Just when all seemed lost, the echoes of her cries reached the keen ears of a magnificent tiger that prowled through the labyrinthine caves. Curiosity piqued, the tiger followed the sound until it led him to the edge of the sinkhole.

With eyes gleaming with both caution and curiosity, the tiger assessed the situation. Instinctively understanding the dire circumstances, the tiger sprang into action. With agile grace, he descended into the depths of the sinkhole, his powerful claws finding purchase on the walls.

Reaching Nara’s side, the tiger offered a reassuring presence amidst the darkness. His golden eyes spoke of determination and an unspoken bond formed between them. Nara, though afraid, sensed a flicker of hope rekindling within her heart.

In a display of incredible strength, the tiger positioned himself in a way that allowed Nara to use his back as a foothold. Carefully, she climbed onto the tiger’s broad back, trusting in his power and guidance. With measured steps, the tiger scaled the walls of the sinkhole, his muscles rippling beneath his sleek coat.

Finally, Nara emerged from the depths of the sinkhole, her body trembling with both exhaustion and relief. She stood beside the tiger, her heart overflowing with gratitude. In that moment, Nara and the tiger shared a profound connection, a bond forged through a mutual act of rescue.

As Nara offered her silent thanks, the tiger inclined his head before disappearing into the shadows of the cave. Though their time together was brief, their encounter served as a reminder that even in the darkest moments, help can arrive in the most unexpected forms.

From that day forward, Nara carried the memory of the tiger’s bravery and the gift of a second chance. She vowed to honor the kindness shown to her by using her healing powers to aid both humans and animals alike.

Nara’s tale spread throughout the land, inspiring others to recognize the interconnectedness of all beings. The story of the trapped healer and the noble tiger served as a reminder that compassion knows no bounds and that in times of despair, hope and salvation can come from the unlikeliest of sources.

And so, the legend of Nara and the tiger lived on, a testament to the power of compassion and the resilience of the human spirit.

© Punt On Point Media, Inc. 2023

Fables for Healing: How the Mourning Doves Got Their Song

As the last rays of the setting sun painted the sky in hues of orange and purple, the members of the Clan of the Eagle gathered around the crackling fire. They settled onto the ground, their eyes filled with anticipation, ready to immerse themselves in the healing power of a story. I, the storyteller and healer of the ancient clan, began weaving the tale of Nara, the remarkable healer and warrior.

“Long ago, in a time when the wind whispered secrets to those who listened, there lived a young girl named Nara. Nara was born into the Clan of the Eagle, known for their deep connection with nature and their fierce warrior spirit. But Nara was different. She possessed a rare gift—the ability to heal with her touch and the power to understand the pain of others.

As a child, Nara would spend countless hours wandering the steppes, communing with the animals that roamed freely. Among her most beloved companions were the mourning doves, delicate and gentle creatures known for their mournful yet soothing calls. Nara found solace in their presence, often pouring out her heart to them, sharing the depths of her pain and longing for understanding.

One fateful day, burdened by her own struggles, Nara confided in the mourning doves like never before. She spoke of the loneliness she felt, her desire to be seen and accepted for who she truly was. The mourning doves listened intently, their eyes filled with compassion, and as Nara’s words carried into the wind, they wept. Tears fell from their eyes, glimmering like tiny pearls as they landed softly on the ground.

But alas, the world around Nara could not comprehend her gift or the depth of her emotions. The elders of the clan dismissed her abilities, labeling them as foolish fantasies and restricting her from embracing her true potential. Nara was left feeling even more isolated, her pain locked away within her heart.

Years passed, and Nara grew into a woman of remarkable strength and wisdom. One day, as she stood atop a windswept hill, her heart heavy with the weight of unspoken sorrow, a gentle cooing filled the air. Startled, she turned to find a group of mourning doves perched nearby. Their eyes were filled with recognition, and it seemed as though they had been waiting for this moment.

One by one, the doves took turns speaking, their voices carrying the pain and longing Nara had shared with them in her childhood. They told her of the beauty she held within, the strength she possessed, and the importance of embracing her healing powers. Their words echoed through the valley, soothing Nara’s soul and resonating with her spirit.

Overwhelmed with gratitude, Nara reached out her hand, and one dove landed gently on her palm. As their eyes met, Nara understood that the mourning doves had been with her all along, even in the depths of her isolation. They had heard her pain and carried it within them, waiting for the day when they could return it to her, transformed into a message of healing.

From that moment forward, Nara’s pain no longer weighed her down. She channeled her sorrow into her healing touch, infusing her patients with compassion and understanding. She became a beacon of hope, her presence a balm for the wounded souls that sought her guidance.

The mourning doves, too, found solace in their connection with Nara. They traveled with her, their mournful calls now transformed into songs of resilience and renewal. Together, they brought comfort to those in need, spreading healing across the land.

And so, my dear clan members, let us remember the tale of Nara, the healer and warrior, and the mourning doves who carried her pain. May it remind us that even in our darkest moments, there is a flicker of light waiting to be kindled within. Let us draw strength from our shared experiences and find the courage to transform our own pain into healing powers.”

As the story came to a close, the Clan of the Eagle sat in silence, their hearts stirred by the transformative power of Nara’s journey. The flickering flames danced in their eyes, carrying with them a renewed sense of hope and the belief that healing could be found in the most unexpected of places. And in that moment, the fire within each of them burned a little brighter, ready to face the challenges of the next day with a spirit of resilience and compassion.

© Punt On Point Media, Inc. 2023